Supreme India by James Talalay
Quotes from the book
„The photographs in this book were taken in India between 2011 and 2013. Locations include: Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata, Darjeeling, New Delhi, Agra, Allahabad, Varanasi and Vellore. And rails, roads and paths in between. I didn’t start with a book in mind, which is just as well. India isn’t a place that lends itself to pre-planned projects. It’s impossible to “capture” India. The reverse is the reality. Whatever you may be seeking will likely prove elusive. What’s found is more exciting.“
„India is still an analog society. Due to its large population, it’s also an expansive bureaucracy. One way this system is expressed is in the unique Indian notebooks that are ubiquitous. Everywhere you go in India, whatever you do, chances are you will find a notebook similar to the design of this book. There will be an employee responsible for keeping records of something, eagerly looking for some information to commit grandly, purposefully to a notebook. Walk into an office or government building, sign in. Go to a shop to buy something and a record of your items will be studiously marked into a ledger. You will see stacks of these notebooks on tables, behind counters, on bookcases and piled in closets. Somehow, it seems like you’re participating in India’s history.“